Chinese food need never be a once-a-week-restaurant treat again! Free mouth watering Chinese recipes, easy to follow & cook, Chinese cooking is simply rewarding!
Chinese cuisine is any of several styles originating in the regions of China, some of which have become highly popular in other parts of the world — from Asia to the Americas, Australia, Western Europe and Southern Africa. Where there are historical immigrant Chinese populations, the style of food has evolved – for example, American Chinese cuisine and Indian Chinese cuisine are prominent examples of Chinese cuisine that has been adapted to suit local palates. In recent years, connoisseurs of Chinese food have also sprouted in Eastern Europe and South Asia. The culinary Michelin Guide has also taken an interest in Chinese cuisine, establishing Hong Kong and Macao versions of its publication.
Some of the recipes are listed below:
*Chinese Soup Recipes
-Hot and Sour Soup
-Won Ton Soup
-Egg Drop Soup
-Cream Corn Soup
-Winter Melon Soup
-West Lake Beef Soup Recipe
-Watercress Soup With Seafood
-Bok Choy Chicken Soup
-Klang Bak Kut Teh
-Fish Ball Noodle Soup
-Chicken Feet & Peanuts Soup
-Steamed Chicken Herbal Soup
-Lotus Root Soup with Pork Ribs and Peanuts
-Winter Melon Soup with Pork Balls
-Snow Pear Soup
*Top Fall Recipes
-Harvest Muffins
-Garlic Egg Rolls
-Shrimp With Spicy Chinese Greens
-Shredded Stir fry Potatoes
-Okrahoma Stir Fry
-Pumpkin Congee
-Pork Chop Suey Recipe
-Sweet Chilli Sauce
-Glazed Carrots
-Candied Sweet Potatoes
*The Easiest Easy Chinese Recipes
-Fried Rice - a Basic Recipe for Fried Rice
-Quick and Easy Pineapple Fried Rice
-Blanched Chinese Broccoli With Oyster Sauce - Gai Lan
-Baked Hoisin Sauce Chicken Wings
-Hawaiian Beef Stew - Hawaiian Chinese Recipes
-Chinese Black Sea Bass
-Chinese Chicken Salad
-Easy "Chinese" Crockpot Chicken
-Easy Oyster Sauce Chicken
-Pepper Steak
-Roast Chicken Recipe
-Cucumber Salad
-Almond Float
-Peanut Sauce - an Easy Dipping Sauce Recipe
-Chinese Chilled Melon Fruit Salad
-Steamed Pears
-Pina Colada Tofu Shake
-Hot Bananas in Coconut Milk
-Bananas With Cinnamon Coconut Sauce
-Chinese Almond Cookies
-Sesame Cookies
-Nian Gao - Baked Chinese New Year Cake
-5 Minute Baked Wonton Wrappers
-Five-spice Peanuts
-Spiced Nuts - Recipe For Spiced Nuts With Five-spice Powder
-Vegetarian Potstickers
-Beef and Broccoli Lo Mein With Ramen Noodles
-Sweet and Sour Pork Chops
-Kung Pao Chicken
-"Szechuan" Chicken
-Szechuan Noodles
-Stir-fry Beef With Three Vegetables
-Moo Shu Chicken Wraps
-Asparagus Salad - a Chinese Salad Recipe
Feel free to find more Chinese recipes!
*Easy Stir-fry Recipes
*Easy Chinese Steamer Recipes
*Easy Main Dishes
*Simple Side Dishes
*Easy Vegetarian Recipes
*Quick Desserts
*Seasonal Menus and Recipes
*Chinese-Style Fusion Recipes
*Dim Sum
*Popular Chinese Restaurant Dishes
*Classic Vegetarian Recipes
*More Advanced Chinese Recipes
*Traditional Chinese Holiday Food and Festival Overview
*Food in Chinese Culture
Makanan Cina tidak perlu lagi menjadi restoran sekali seminggu! Resep masakan Cina yang lezat, mudah diikuti & dimasak, masakan Cina hanya bermanfaat!
Masakan Cina adalah salah satu dari beberapa gaya yang berasal dari wilayah Cina, beberapa di antaranya telah menjadi sangat populer di bagian lain dunia - dari Asia hingga Amerika, Australia, Eropa Barat, dan Afrika Selatan. Di mana terdapat populasi Tionghoa pendatang yang bersejarah, gaya makanan telah berevolusi - misalnya, masakan Cina Amerika dan masakan Cina India adalah contoh utama masakan Cina yang telah disesuaikan dengan selera selera setempat. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, penikmat makanan Cina juga bertunas di Eropa Timur dan Asia Selatan. Panduan kuliner Michelin juga menaruh minat pada masakan Cina, membuat versi penerbitan Hong Kong dan Makao.
Beberapa resep tercantum di bawah ini:
* Resep Sup Cina
Sup Panas dan Asam
-Sup wonton
-Egg Drop Soup
-Makan Jagung Sup
Sup Musim Dingin
- Resep Sup Daging Sapi Danau Terbaik
- Sup Air Laut Dengan Makanan Laut
- Sup Ayam Choy
-Klang Bak Kut Teh
-Makanan Bakso Ikan
-Makan Kaki & Sup Kacang
- Sup Herbal Ayam
-Lotus Root Soup dengan Iga Babi dan Kacang Tanah
- Sup Melon Musim Dingin dengan Babi Balls
-Snow Pear Soup
* Resep Musim Gugur Top
-Harvest Muffin
-Gulung Telur Garlic
- Udang Dengan Sayuran Cina Pedas
Kentang Goreng Aduk
-Okrahoma Aduk Goreng
-Pumpkin Congee
Resep Suey Daging Babi
Saus Cabe Manis
Wortel -Glazed
-Manisan Ubi Jalar
* Resep Cina Mudah termudah
-Nasi Kering - Resep Dasar untuk Nasi Goreng
- Nasi Goreng Nanas yang Cepat dan Mudah
Brokoli Cina -Banel Dengan Saus Tiram - Gai Lan
- Sayap Ayam Saus Hoisin Bakar
-Hawaiian Beef Stew - Resep Cina Hawaii
- Bass Laut Hitam Cina
-Chicken Salad Cina
-Makanan Crockpot "Cina" yang mudah
-Easy Saus Tiram Mudah
-Steak lada
Resep Ayam -Roast
-Salad mentimun
Float -Almond
-Peanut Sauce - Resep Saus Mudah Dicelup
-Cina Salad Buah Melon Dingin
Pir Tersengat
-Pina Colada Tahu Goyang
-Panas Pisang dalam Santan
-Pisang Dengan Saus Kelapa Kayu Manis
- Kue Almond Cina
- Cookie yang sama
-Nian Gao - Kue Tahun Baru Cina Panggang
-5 Pembungkus Pangsit Baked
-Bumbu Kacang - Resep Untuk Kacang Bumbu Dengan Bubuk Lima Bumbu
Potsticker -Vegetarian
-Beef dan Brokoli Lo Mein Dengan Mie Ramen
-Sweet dan Babi Daging Asam
-Ayam Kung Pao
- Ayam "Szechuan"
Mie Korea
Daging Sapi Goreng dengan Tiga Sayuran
-Moo Shu Chicken Wraps
-Asparagus Salad - Resep Salad Cina
Jangan ragu untuk menemukan lebih banyak resep Cina!
* Resep Tumis Mudah
* Resep Steamer Cina Mudah
* Hidangan Utama Mudah
* Lauk Sederhana
* Resep Vegetarian Mudah
* Makanan Penutup Cepat
* Menu dan Resep Musiman
* Resep Fusion Gaya Cina
* Dim Sum
* Hidangan Restoran Cina Populer
* Resep Vegetarian Klasik
* Resep Cina Lebih Lanjut
* Ikhtisar Makanan dan Festival Liburan Cina Tradisional
* Makanan dalam Budaya Tiongkok